Raven Industries, Inc., a provider of driverless ag technology, demonstrated its OMNi suite of technology at the Farm Progress Show in Illinois in early September. In the event’s Autonomy Zone, the company showcased OMNiDRIVE on Case IH Magnum and OMNiPOWER performing autonomous missions, controlling a driverless tractor pulling a grain cart and commanding it to sync with a harvester.

OMNiDRIVE is an aftermarket technology solution that transforms existing tractors into driverless machines. The technology connects, manages, and safely operates autonomous agricultural machinery and is compatible with:
- Case IH Magnum CVT (2014-2020 models): M250 / 280 / 310 / 340 / 380 (available in October 2021)
- New Holland CVT (2014-2020 models): T8.320 / 350 / 380 / 410 / 435 (available in October 2021)
- John Deere 8Rs Powershift and IVT (2010-current models)
OMNiPOWER is a self-propelled power platform that interchanges with farm implements, allowing the ag professional to perform multiple farming operations. OMNiPOWER will accelerate the adoption of advanced autonomous solutions, according to the company.
“We recognize the challenges our farmers face daily,” said Jim Lilleberg, Director of Precision Ag and Machine Control for Titan Machinery, Inc. “Labor shortages, the need for efficiency improvements and scalability are all problems that OMNiDRIVE, now available for Case IH Magnum tractors, helps solve.”