Volvo Car Group is now working with Waymo to develop driverless cars. The plan is…
IAV Staff
IAV Staff
Staff news and feature writers for Inside Autonomous Vehicles are experienced, award-winning high-tech journalists and science reporters who have published in a wide range of other print and online outlets.
Defense UGVOn RoadVehicles
GMV participates in the European defense program for the development of an unmanned ground vehicle
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffGMV will take charge of the command and control and C4ISR interoperability system under the…
ADASDriverless CarsNavigationOn Road
Mercedes-Benz and NVIDIA Partner on Advanced Computing Architecture for Automated Vehicles
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffThe Mercedes-Benz vehicles released in 2024 will feature upgradeable automated driving functions, giving customers the…
ADASDriverless CarsOn RoadTest and Simulation
Tech Test Spots Open on Nationwide Automated Drive
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffA national road tour by an automated vehicle offers technology suppliers the opportunity to demonstrate…
ConstructionMachine Control & RoboticsOn Road
XCMG Unveils Autonomous Road Roller
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffChinese construction machinery manufacturer XCMG recently tested its autonomous road roller on the Panda Expressway,…
ConstructionDefense UGVMachine Control & RoboticsNavigationOff RoadRobotsVehicles
Innovative product brings convenience to GNSS users
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffSeptentrio unveils AsteRx-m2 Sx, a first-of-a-kind GPS/GNSS receiver offering always-on sub-decimeter accuracy without the need…
NavigationOff Road
iXblue’s Atlans INS Selected for OGI’s Mobile Mapping LiDAR Solution
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffiXblue’s Atlans Inertial Navigation System (INS) will provide uninterrupted data georeferencing to Oceanographic & Geophysical…
Driverless CarsNavigationOn Road
Continent-spanning Drive Test Demonstrates Lane-Level Positioning
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffSwift Navigation has completed a 6,600-mile cross-country drive test measuring the efficacy of its Skylark…
Driverless CarsOn RoadPublic TransportationTaxis and Ride Sharing
Yandex Fourth Generation Self-Driving Cars Operating in Moscow
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffYandex recently introduced the fourth generation of its self-driving cars, developed in partnership with Hyundai…
A group of Stanford Ph.D. and Masters graduates, with work experience among them at SpaceX,…