Trimble will serve as the GNSS precise-positioning and orientation technology supplier for VSI Labs’ autonomous research vehicle program, providing reliable in-lane positioning.

The collaboration employs Trimble RTX technology coupled with Trimble’s inertial positioning to maintain accurate and reliable lane-discipline during autonomous driving.
Trimble RTX corrections operate on a single global network. Drivers are not subject to the coverage outages that can exist when relying on local positioning systems—requiring line-of-sight to a positioning source or radio/cellular/internet connections. When occasional obstructions are present, such as a bridge, tunnel or deep urban or rural canyon, Trimble augments its precise GNSS positioning with inertial technology to maintain continuous positioning and orientation while on the road.
Trimble GNSS positioning is used on the road today by a number of automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to improve the functional safety and performance of ADAS for passenger vehicles. Consumers have logged more than 7 million miles using Trimble RTX for lane-level positioning to date.
The Trimble-VSI alliance officially kicked off at Destination ACM, a long-distance driving event in late March from Minneapolis to Detroit that leveraged VSI’s research vehicle. It continues with additional events throughout 2021. Trimble GNSS positioning technology will be used in the VSI research vehicle during each of the quarterly Destination ACM events, the Drive World Conference in Silicon Valley in August, the VSI 2021 “Drive South” as well as other events.
Destination ACM (American Center for Mobility) will consist of a quarterly long-distance automated drive utilizing VSI’s research vehicles throughout 2021. Each drive will launch from VSI’s Minneapolis headquarters, following various driving routes to ACM, where testing and demonstration will be conducted at the 500+ acre facility.
[Photo courtesy Trimble.]