Home Driverless Cars ThinKom Solutions, COMSAT Complete Coast-to-Coast Test Expedition

ThinKom Solutions, COMSAT Complete Coast-to-Coast Test Expedition

by IAV Staff

ThinKom Solutions Inc., a leading provider of innovative compacted broadband antennas, and COMSAT Inc., a global satellite service company, recently partnered to complete a coast-to-coast test expedition. The demonstration successfully validated a robust end-to-end continuous high-speed satellite communication solution in a moving vehicle under a wide range of conditions.
The demonstration SUV was equipped with a roof-mounted ThinKom ThinSat 300 phased-array satellite antenna, plus a package of modems, routers, switches, power inverter and an easy-to-use operator interface inside the vehicle. COMSAT, a global satellite service company, provided seamless turnkey connectivity for the journey through commercial Ku-band satellites and redundant 3G/4G LTE terrestrial networks.
The week-long trek took place March 3 to 10. It started at Manhattan Beach, Calif. and ended in Washington D.C., covering a distance of 5,000 miles.
ThinKom’s tests on the road suggested software enhancements that benefit the end-users by greater operational efficiency and savings in time and money.

By Jinman Li, Inside Unmanned Systems Correspondent

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