Global self-driving truck technology provider Plus recently announced a collaboration with Teledyne FLIR to explore…
On Road
Driverless CarsOn Road
Insurance Technology Startup Koop Targets Autonomous Vehicles
by Charles Choiby Charles ChoiTo help develop an insurance platform for autonomous vehicles and robotics, insurance technology startup Koop…
Driverless CarsNavigationOn RoadSafety
Bad Weather Data Could Help Autonomous Vehicles See
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffSensors that operate in rain, snow and fog are providing data that could help autonomous…
Defense UGVMobile PlatformsOff RoadOn RoadVehicles
Driverless Land Vehicle Fires Anti-ship Missile During US Navy Exercise
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffAn uncrewed vehicle operated by the US Marine Corps launched an anti-ship missile from the…
Driverless CarsOn RoadSafety
What Driving Behavior Passengers Want From Self-Driving Cars
by Charles Choiby Charles ChoiTo help people trust self-driving cars, researchers may generally want to design autonomous vehicles that…
Automated FleetsFleets and TrucksLast Mile DeliveryOn Road
Nuro Building AV Factory and Test Track in Nevada
by Charles Choiby Charles ChoiThe driverless delivery service Nuro, the first company permitted to deploy self-driving vehicles on public…
Driverless CarsOn RoadPublic TransportationTaxis and Ride Sharing
General Motors’ Cruise Aims To Use Solar Panels to Help Power Driverless Cars
by Charles Choiby Charles ChoiGeneral Motors’ self-driving subsidiary, Cruise, is launching a new project to help power its autonomous…
Last Mile DeliveryOff RoadOn Road
IKEA Has Three Words for Autonomous Urban Delivery
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffIngka Investments put nearly $16.5 million into location technology from What3words to improve urban deliveries…
Fleets and TrucksLast Mile DeliveryOn Road
Driverless Driving Exams a First for Semi-autonomous Last-mile Delivery Vehicle
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffCleveron, an Estonian-based technology company, partnered with LRK Driving School to conduct the world’s first…
With the touch of a button, the lead passenger of Audi’s new skysphere concept vehicle…