STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor provider serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, is making…
IAV Staff
IAV Staff
Staff news and feature writers for Inside Autonomous Vehicles are experienced, award-winning high-tech journalists and science reporters who have published in a wide range of other print and online outlets.
Driverless CarsTest and Simulation
Auro Receives California Autonomous Vehicle Operations Testing License
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffRidecell’s self-driving vehicle division, Auro, will soon begin testing L4 autonomous vehicles on California’s public…
Driverless Cars
Garrett Motion Rings in New Era After Spinoff from Honeywell
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffGarrett Motion Inc., a technology provider that enables vehicles to become safer, more connected, efficient…
Driverless CarsNavigation
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers Opposes Ligado Frequency Plan
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffSelf-driving and driver-assisted vehicles need GPS signals protected from interference A proposed frequency change that…
Driverless Cars
AutonomouStuff and Great Wall Motor Agree to Collaborate on Development of Automated Driving Research Platforms in China
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffAutonomouStuff, part of Hexagon’s Positioning Intelligence division, and Great Wall Motor Company (GWM), China’s largest…
Driverless CarsNavigation
GSA Funding Opportunity: Enhanced Receiver for Galileo-Based Positioning Engine Meeting Full Automation PVT Performance
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffThe European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism,…
Driverless CarsSafety
USDOT Releases First Joint, Multi-Modal Guidance Document for On-Road Surface Transportation Automation
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffThe U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently released new Federal guidance for automated vehicles, advancing…
Driverless CarsNavigation
Swift Navigation Introduces Starling and Interoperability with STMicroelectronics’ TeseoAPP and TeseoV Automotive-Grade GNSS Chipsets
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffSan Francisco-based Swift Navigation this week announced an integrated solution for precise automotive positioning applications…
Hexagon’s Positioning Intelligence division (Hexagon PI) is pleased to welcome AutonomouStuff following the completion of…
ADASDriverless Cars
LeddarTech Delivers First LCA2 LiDAR Chips to Automotive Partners
by IAV Staffby IAV StaffLeddarTech recently delivered the first A-samples of its LeddarCore LCA2 system-on-chip (SoC) to an automotive…